covid-19 resources

We are all experiencing a period of collective trauma, both with the pandemic and the accompanying changes in everyday life. Here are some resources for coping with this trauma yourself and for helping children and students cope.


georgia and National hotlines and Resources

CDC — Coping with Stress During the Pandemic — includes education, resources, and national hotlines

COVID-19 Mental Health Hotlines — GA-specific hotlines

Substance Abuse Virtual Support — through the GA Council for Substance Abuse


for educators

ACEs in Education and COVID-19 — another extensive list of resources for educators compiled by ACEs Connection

COVID-19 Stress, Distress, and Trauma Series — a video series by Dr. Bruce Perry of the Neurosequential Network, specifically addressing trauma amidst COVID-19

Educating All Learners Alliance — an organization with resources for teachers of students with disabilities during the pandemic

Guidance for Teachers and Counselors During COVID-19 and Other Crises

Mental Health Professionals Will Be On Frontlines For Years After COVID-19

Trauma-Informed Teaching Through Coronavirus

Translating Mindfulness to Distance Learning

What Teachers Can Do to Address Student Trauma — Especially During Distance Learning

GA Covid19 emotional support line and other resources flyer.jpg